Mesh Information

When the zoom level of map view is 11 or more, you can see detailed information of a mesh.
Mesh Information window about 250 m mesh (shown with a red rectangle in the map view) that you double-clicked appears. An example, Mesh Information window about PSHM with the zoom level 13, is shown below.

Examples of Mesh Information window for each tab are shown below.

PSHM Averaged Hazard PSHM by EQ Cat.
Category I,II,III
PSHM by EQ Cat.
Geomorphologic Classification Site Amp. Subsurface Structure

NOTE: To see Mesh Information window about CPE and SESM, select a source fault prior to double-clicking the map. Mesh Information window is not available on Exposed Pop. tab.

Hazard Curve & Contribution Factor

You can see each graph by clicking "Hazard Curve & Contribution Factor" button in Mesh Information window about PSHM.

The contents to be displayed is differ depending on Reference year of PSHM selected at Sidebar.

Befoer 2017 version

You can download the data of a hazard curve at the selected mesh by clicking links "PDF download" or "CSV download" in the Mesh Information window.

From 2017 to 2019 NIED version

In addition to hazard curve and contribution factor for earthquake category, you can see hazard curves for earthquake groups which of contribution factor is ranked in the top 3 of each earthquake category.

The contribution factors are also shown by a table.

From 2020 version

Hazard curves of the top three earthquake are shown in relation to both subduction-zone EQs and Shallow EQs in land area & in sea area.

The table describes contribution factor of the top three earthquake groups with the highest impact is also shown.

Click to show table of contents on the left side, if hidden.