Location Search

You can search a location by building name, place name, address, and so on.

To search a certain location, use "Search" box in the sidebar.
(The Scope of search is limited for the J-SHIS map area.)

Building name, place name, latitude and longitude, and mesh code is also acceptable for search keywords.

Search result is displayed in another window.
For example, search result for keyword "Tsukuba" is shown below.

Select a location from results and the map is magnified to a certain zoom level.

Scope of Location Search

The scope of location search is limited for the J-SHIS map area.
If a place out of the J-SHIS map area is searched, a dialog shown below appears.

(Ex.) Search by "Eiffel Tower" (out of the J-SHIS map area)

Click to show table of contents on the left side, if hidden.