The 2017 Taiwan-Japan-New Zealand Seismic Hazard Assessment
Participants of the fourth workshop meeting in Tainan, Taiwan
The 2017 workshop was held at International Conference Hall, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan during October 30-31 and followed by a field trip on November 1-3. About 100 professionals attended the meeting from 10 countries.
The workshop consists of oral and poster sessions for recently researches issues, and moreover, the breakout sessions for deep in discussion of conventional PSHA topics that started from the 2015 Wellington meeting, the 2016 Beppu meeting. Inspired from the previous workshops, many ideas and issues were developed and fruited interactively over the three countries. Therefore, a set of 8 papers formed a focus session published in the Seismological Research Letters, 2016. Of them, a trilateral PSHA figure was featured on the SRL’s back-cover with tittle of the Seismic hazard maps: Japan, New Zealand and Taiwan (Pagani et al., 2016).
The recently PSHA progress from three countries plus USGS were composed of the first Session. Followed by Sessions II) NSHM Model Validation; III) Deformation Model and Earthquake Hazard; IV) Site Amplification; V) Ground Motion Prediction and Scenarios; VI) Fault Structure and Subduction Zone Modeling; and VII) Hazard and Risk Products. There were nine presentations of newer studies raised from the 2016 Meinong earthquake, Taiwan, the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, Japan, and the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake, NZ, attracted audience attentions in wide interests. The presentations on the following issues were given, and their program and abstracts were edited as proceedings with a beautiful cover.
The breakout sessions were held in five groups and summarized by the conveners as below:
- Group 1: PSHA and model validation (K.XS Hao and M. Gerstenberger)
- Group 2: Ground motion prediction and site amplification (Po-Shen Lin and Nobuyuki Morikawa)
- Group 3: Scenarios and subduction zone modeling (Bill Fry and Takahiro Maeda)
- Group 4: Hazard and risk products (E.R. Abbott and Kuo-Fong Ma)
- Group 5: Fault structure and deformation model (Bruce Shyu and A. Nicol)
The Program and Abstracts is here (on the TEM site)
The photo gallery for Workshop is here, and for Field trip is here
Besides, on October 29th, the 2017 Southeast Asia Seismic Hazard Assessment Meeting was held for supporting of PHSA models in SE-Asia, a part of the 2018 GEM’s target of the Global Earthquake mosaic Model, and about 30 professional representatives joined from VAST (Vietnam), PHIVOLCS (Philippine), AIT (Thailand), EOS (Singapore), TEM, OYO, NIED and GEM.