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Damaging Fault Search API for mesh

This API provides information of damaging faults which largely affect on the specified meshes of 250m.



Request URL


Table of contents


– By Mesh code
– By Longitude and Latitude
– Parameters


– Status code
– Normal case
– JSON format
– XML format
– Error case
– Error classification code
– JSON format
– XML format



There are two ways that you can specify search position, either by longitude and latitude or by the mesh code. In the URL, bold characters indicate a request parameter; superscript number corresponds to the No. in parameter list.

By Mesh code
By Longitude and Latitude

Request parameters of the API are as follows. The parameters are case-sensitive.

No Parameter Dispensability Input values and Description
1 meshcode Conditional 250m mesh code
Refer to the Quarter Grid Square definition for more information.

Note) Request fails if the “epsg” or “position” parameter is specified with this parameter.

2 position Conditional Longitude and Latitude are separated by a comma. The coordinates are restricted in the following regions.

  • 122.0≦Longitude≦154.0
  • 20.0≦Latitude≦47.0

Note1) This parameter is required when “epsg” parameter is specified.
Note2) Request fails if a “meshcode” parameter is specified.

3 epsg Conditional EPSG code

  • JGD2000…4612
  • Tokyo…4301
  • WGS84…4326

Note1) This parameter is required when “position” parameter is specified.
Note2) Request fails if a “meshcode” parameter is specified.

4 mode Required Scenario earthquake code

  • Conditional Probability of Exceedance (CPE)…C
  • Seismic Hazard Maps for Specified Seismic Source Faults (SESM)…S
5 version Required Map version

  • 2008 version…Y2008
  • 2009 version…Y2009
  • 2010 version…Y2010
  • 2011 version…Y2011
  • 2012 version (model 1)…Y2012
  • 2012 version (model 2)…Y2012_M2
  • 2013 version (model 1)…Y2013
  • 2013 version (model 2)…Y2013_M2
  • 2013 version (model 3)…Y2013_M3
  • 2014 version…Y2014
  • 2016 version…Y2016
  • 2017 version…Y2017
  • 2018 version…Y2018
  • 2019 NIED version…Y2019
  • 2020 version…Y2020
  • 2021 NIED version…Y2021
  • 2022 NIED version…Y2022
  • 2023 NIED version…Y2023
6 case Required Probability case

  • Average case…AVR
  • Maximum case…MAX
7 period Required Evaluated period of a probability of occurrence

  • 30-Year…P_T30
  • 50-Year…P_T50
8 format Required Response format

  • JSON format…json
  • XML format…xml
9 param Optional Evaluated parameter (Priority to catastrophic hazard)

  • -1.0 <= param <= 1.0 (with seven digits of significant figures)

Default value…0.6

Note1) Evaluated function fc for fault selection is defined as follows in maps of conditional probability of exceedance.
fc = P0(Y)1-αPI(I)1+α

  • P0(Y)…Probability of occurrence in Y-year
  • PI(I)…Conditional probability of exceedance [IJMA >= I] at given mesh
  • α…Catastrophe priority
  • fc lower limit…1.0e-5

Note2) Also for the scenario earthquake shaking map, the same evaluation function fc was used and PI(I) is defined as follows.

  • PI(I)=1 (I≧Ical)
  • PI(I)=0 (I<Ical)

Note3) Examples of a catastrophe priority are given as follows.

  • 1…Only considering a conditional probability of exceedance
  • 0…Equally considering a conditional probability of exceedance and a probability of occurrence
  • -1…Only considering a probability of occurrence
9 ijma Optional Threshold IJMA of probability of exceedance

  • 5-Lower…45
  • 5-Upper…50
  • 6-Lower…55
  • 6-Upper…60

Default value…55

9 lang Optional Response language

  • Japanese…ja
  • English…en

Note) A default value is “ja”.


Status code

The data acquisition is successful, once you got the return HTTP 200 status code. Otherwise, please see the following HTTP status code.

HTTP status code Description Detail
400 Bad Request The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.

For example, unsupported value was setup.

403 Forbidden The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.

For example, requests exceeded the upper limits of normal.

404 Not Found The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.

For example, non-existent mesh code was specified.

500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
503 Service Unavailable The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.

For example, a database connection fails.

Normal case
JSON format

JSON response is as follows.

Tag Description
status Request status

  • Success (fixed)
Fault Member element of a fault list

  • Fault (fixed)
rank Fault ranking
This number is ranked from the largest score obtained with the evaluation function to the smallest one.
ltecode Fault code

Refer to The J-SHIS Fault Code for details.
ltecase Fault case name
This value exist only if a mode equals “S”.
ltename Fault name
eqcode Earthquake code

Refer to The J-SHIS Earthquake Code for details.

eqgroup Earthquake group

  • Major active faults…A
  • other active faults…B
  • subduction-zone earthquakes…C
eqcategory Earthquake category
<2008 to 2019 version>

  • Category I …1
  • Category II …2
  • Category III…3

<2020 version ~ >

  • Subduction-zone earthquakes…4
  • Shallow earthquakes in land area & in sea area…3
case Average/Maximum case

  • Average case…AVR
  • Maximum case…MAX
probability Probability of occurrence
magnitude Magnitude
Note) Negative value of magnitude means moment magnitude and positive means JMA magnitude.

If the magnitude has a range, comma-separated list of minimum and maximum values is written.
e.g. Magnitude range from 6.0 to 6.5…”6.0,6.5″
score Value of evaluation function
This value only has relative meaning. The more influence, the larger value.
ijma Expectancy of IJMA*1

  • mode=C…Expected value
  • mode=S…Evaluated value

Note1) Earlier maps of the 2012 version, a value is rounded to the one decimal place.
Note2) On and after the 2013 version, a value is rounded down to the one decimal place.

i45_ps 5-Lower probability of exceedance*1
This value exists only if the mode equals “C”.
i50_ps 5-Upper probability of exceedance*1
This value exists only if the mode equals “C”.
i55_ps 6-Lower probability of exceedance*1
This value exists only if the mode equals “C”.
i60_ps 6-Upper probability of exceedance*1
This value exists only if the mode equals “C”.
Pattern Member element of an occurrence pattern list
This tag exists for only earthquakes that consider occurrence patterns.
Refer to occurrence pattern attribute table for detail of each element.
metaData Meta-information

  • metaData (fixed)
meshcode 250m mesh code
Refer to the Quarter Grid Square definition for more information.
mode Scenario earthquake code included in a response
version Map version
case Probability case
period Evaluated period of a probability of occurrence
param Evaluated a parameter
ijma Threshold IJMA of probability of exceedance
lang Language
Response sample
Request URL
JSON format response
    "Fault": [
            "case": "AVR",
            "eqcategory": "3",
            "eqcode": "LND_A98F",
            "eqgroup": "A",
            "i45_ps": "1.000e+00",
            "i50_ps": "9.887e-01",
            "i55_ps": "8.762e-01",
            "i60_ps": "5.009e-01",
            "ijma": "6.0",
            "ltecode": "F002001",
            "ltename": "Nagamachi-Rifu-sen fault zone",
            "magnitude": "-6.9",
            "probability": "0.00598000",
            "rank": "1",
            "score": "4.269e-02"
            "case": "AVR",
            "eqcategory": "3",
            "eqcode": "LND_AGR1",
            "eqgroup": "B",
            "i45_ps": "9.399e-01",
            "i50_ps": "6.961e-01",
            "i55_ps": "2.822e-01",
            "i60_ps": "4.115e-02",
            "ijma": "5.2",
            "ltecode": "G030026",
            "ltename": "Medeshima-suite fault",
            "magnitude": "6.6",
            "probability": "0.00082400",
            "rank": "2",
            "score": "3.542e-04"
            "case": "AVR",
            "eqcategory": "4",
            "eqcode": "PLE_AMYGI",
            "eqgroup": "C",
            "i45_ps": "8.433e-01",
            "i50_ps": "4.163e-01",
            "i55_ps": "7.097e-02",
            "i60_ps": "2.129e-03",
            "ijma": "4.9",
            "ltecode": "AMYGI",
            "ltename": "Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki",
            "magnitude": "-7.9,-8.6",
            "Pattern": [
                    "case": "AVR",
                    "eqcategory": "4",
                    "eqcode": "PLE_AMYGI",
                    "eqgroup": "C",
                    "i45_ps": "9.546e-01",
                    "i50_ps": "5.891e-01",
                    "i55_ps": "1.085e-01",
                    "i60_ps": "2.312e-03",
                    "ijma": "5.0",
                    "ltecode": "AMY11",
                    "ltename": "Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.0 model4)",
                    "magnitude": "-8",
                    "probability": "0.01594215",
                    "rank": "7",
                    "score": "1.157e-05"
                    "case": "AVR",
                    "eqcategory": "4",
                    "eqcode": "PLE_AMYGI",
                    "eqgroup": "C",
                    "i45_ps": "9.726e-01",
                    "i50_ps": "6.729e-01",
                    "i55_ps": "1.561e-01",
                    "i60_ps": "5.608e-03",
                    "ijma": "5.1",
                    "ltecode": "AMY14",
                    "ltename": "Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.1 model3)",
                    "magnitude": "-8.1",
                    "probability": "0.01727729",
                    "rank": "6",
                    "score": "4.933e-05"
                    "case": "AVR",
                    "eqcategory": "4",
                    "eqcode": "PLE_AMYGI",
                    "eqgroup": "C",
                    "i45_ps": "9.842e-01",
                    "i50_ps": "7.470e-01",
                    "i55_ps": "2.139e-01",
                    "i60_ps": "1.110e-02",
                    "ijma": "5.2",
                    "ltecode": "AMY16",
                    "ltename": "Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.2 model2)",
                    "magnitude": "-8.2",
                    "probability": "0.02106581",
                    "rank": "1",
                    "score": "1.592e-04"
                    "case": "AVR",
                    "eqcategory": "4",
                    "eqcode": "PLE_AMYGI",
                    "eqgroup": "C",
                    "i45_ps": "9.913e-01",
                    "i50_ps": "8.096e-01",
                    "i55_ps": "2.803e-01",
                    "i60_ps": "1.970e-02",
                    "ijma": "5.3",
                    "ltecode": "AMY17",
                    "ltename": "Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.3 model1)",
                    "magnitude": "-8.3",
                    "probability": "0.00160024",
                    "rank": "2",
                    "score": "1.421e-04"
                    "case": "AVR",
                    "eqcategory": "4",
                    "eqcode": "PLE_AMYGI",
                    "eqgroup": "C",
                    "i45_ps": "9.913e-01",
                    "i50_ps": "8.096e-01",
                    "i55_ps": "2.803e-01",
                    "i60_ps": "1.970e-02",
                    "ijma": "5.3",
                    "ltecode": "AMY18",
                    "ltename": "Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.4 model1)",
                    "magnitude": "-8.4",
                    "probability": "0.00130140",
                    "rank": "3",
                    "score": "1.309e-04"
                    "case": "AVR",
                    "eqcategory": "4",
                    "eqcode": "PLE_AMYGI",
                    "eqgroup": "C",
                    "i45_ps": "9.913e-01",
                    "i50_ps": "8.096e-01",
                    "i55_ps": "2.803e-01",
                    "i60_ps": "1.970e-02",
                    "ijma": "5.3",
                    "ltecode": "AMY19",
                    "ltename": "Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.5 model1)",
                    "magnitude": "-8.5",
                    "probability": "0.00105799",
                    "rank": "4",
                    "score": "1.205e-04"
                    "case": "AVR",
                    "eqcategory": "4",
                    "eqcode": "PLE_AMYGI",
                    "eqgroup": "C",
                    "i45_ps": "9.913e-01",
                    "i50_ps": "8.096e-01",
                    "i55_ps": "2.803e-01",
                    "i60_ps": "1.970e-02",
                    "ijma": "5.3",
                    "ltecode": "AMY20",
                    "ltename": "Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.6 model1)",
                    "magnitude": "-8.6",
                    "probability": "0.00086037",
                    "rank": "5",
                    "score": "1.109e-04"
            "probability": "0.24100000",
            "rank": "3",
            "score": "3.005e-05"
    "metaData": {
        "case": "AVR",
        "ijma": "60",
        "lang": "en",
        "meshcode": "5740362921",
        "mode": "C",
        "param": "0.6",
        "period": "P_T30",
        "version": "Y2020"
    "status": "Success"
XML format

XML response is given as following.

Tag Description
Request status

  • Success (fixed)
Faults array element of information
Fault member element
rank Fault ranking
This number is ranked from the largest score obtained with the evaluation function to the smallest one.
ltecode Fault code

Refer to The J-SHIS Fault Code for details.

ltecase Fault case name
This value exists only if a mode equals “S”.
ltename Fault name
eqcode Earthquake code

Refer to The J-SHIS Earthquake Code for details.

eqgroup Earthquake group

  • Major active faults…A
  • other active faults…B
  • subduction-zone earthquakes…C
eqcategory Earthquake category
<2008 to 2019 version>

  • Category I …1
  • Category II …2
  • Category III…3

<2020 version ~ >

  • Subduction-zone earthquakes…4
  • Shallow earthquakes in land area & in sea area…3
case Average/Maximum case

  • Average case…AVR
  • Maximum case…MAX
probability Probability of occurrence
magnitude Magnitude
Note) Negative value of magnitude means moment magnitude and positive means JMA magnitude.

If the magnitude has a range, comma-separated list of minimum and maximum values is written.
e.g. Magnitude range from 6.0 to 6.5…”6.0,6.5″
score Value of evaluation function
This value only has relative meaning. The more influence, the larger value.
ijma Expectancy of IJMA*1

  • mode=C…Expected value
  • mode=S…Evaluated value

Note1) Earlier maps of the 2012 version, a value is rounded to the one decimal place.
Note2) On and after the 2013 version, a value is rounded down to the one decimal place.

i45_ps 5-Lower probability of exceedance*1
This value exists only if the mode equals “C”.
i50_ps 5-Upper probability of exceedance*1
This value exists only if the mode equals “C”.
i55_ps 6-Lower probability of exceedance*1
This value exists only if the mode equals “C”.
i60_ps 6-Upper probability of exceedance*1
This value exists only if the mode equals “C”.
jshis:Patterns Member element of an occurrence pattern list

This tag exists for only earthquakes that consider occurrence patterns.
Refer to occurrence pattern attribute table for detail of each element; jshis:Pattern.
250m mesh code
Refer to the Quarter Grid Square definition for more information.
Scenario earthquake code included in a response
Map version
Probability case
Evaluated period of a probability of occurrence
Evaluated a parameter
Threshold IJMA of probability of exceedance
Response sample
Request URL
XML format response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jshis:FltsearchMesh xmlns:jshis="http://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp http://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp/map/xsd/gml-v2.1.2/fltsearch-mesh-v1.1.xsd">
        <jshis:Fault case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.6" ltecase="1" ltecode="F020108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.11500000" rank="1" score="4.210e-01">
                <jshis:Pattern case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.7" ltecase="1" ltecode="FM20108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment) (Dip = 40 deg.)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.07666671" rank="" score="3.580e-01"/>
                <jshis:Pattern case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.4" ltecase="1" ltecode="FH20108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment) (Dip = 90 deg.)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.03833330" rank="" score="2.713e-01"/>
        <jshis:Fault case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.4" ltecase="2" ltecode="F020108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.11500000" rank="2" score="4.210e-01">
                <jshis:Pattern case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.5" ltecase="2" ltecode="FM20108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment) (Dip = 40 deg.)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.07666671" rank="" score="3.580e-01"/>
                <jshis:Pattern case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.3" ltecase="2" ltecode="FH20108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment) (Dip = 90 deg.)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.03833330" rank="" score="2.713e-01"/>
        <jshis:Fault case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.6" ltecase="3" ltecode="F020108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.11500000" rank="3" score="4.210e-01">
                <jshis:Pattern case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.7" ltecase="3" ltecode="FM20108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment) (Dip = 40 deg.)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.07666671" rank="" score="3.580e-01"/>
                <jshis:Pattern case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.4" ltecase="3" ltecode="FH20108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment) (Dip = 90 deg.)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.03833330" rank="" score="2.713e-01"/>
        <jshis:Fault case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.6" ltecase="4" ltecode="F020108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.11500000" rank="4" score="4.210e-01">
                <jshis:Pattern case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.6" ltecase="4" ltecode="FM20108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment) (Dip = 40 deg.)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.07666671" rank="" score="3.580e-01"/>
                <jshis:Pattern case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.4" ltecase="4" ltecode="FH20108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment) (Dip = 90 deg.)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.03833330" rank="" score="2.713e-01"/>
        <jshis:Fault case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.2" ltecase="5" ltecode="F020108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.11500000" rank="5" score="4.210e-01">
                <jshis:Pattern case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.3" ltecase="5" ltecode="FM20108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment) (Dip = 40 deg.)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.07666671" rank="" score="3.580e-01"/>
                <jshis:Pattern case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.0" ltecase="5" ltecode="FH20108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment) (Dip = 90 deg.)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.03833330" rank="" score="2.713e-01"/>
        <jshis:Fault case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.2" ltecase="6" ltecode="F020108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.11500000" rank="6" score="4.210e-01">
                <jshis:Pattern case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.3" ltecase="6" ltecode="FM20108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment) (Dip = 40 deg.)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.07666671" rank="" score="3.580e-01"/>
                <jshis:Pattern case="MAX" eqcategory="3" eqcode="LND_A98F" eqgroup="A" ijma="5.2" ltecase="6" ltecode="FH20108" ltename="Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Ishizuchi-sanmyaku-hokuen western segment) (Dip = 90 deg.)" magnitude="-6.9" probability="0.03833330" rank="" score="2.713e-01"/>

*1) For earthquakes that consider occurrence patterns, this is the expected value calculated from the values of occurrence pattern list member and weight values assigned to the each patterns.

The contents of each element of the occurrence pattern list are shown below.

Attribute Description
rank Pattern ranking

This number is ranked within the occurrence pattern from the largest score to the smallest one obtained with the evaluation function.
ltecode Fault code

Refer to The J-SHIS Fault Code for details.

ltecase Fault case name
This value exists only if a mode equals “S”.
ltename Fault name
eqcode Earthquake code

Refer to The J-SHIS Earthquake Code for details.

eqgroup Earthquake group

  • Major active faults…A
  • Other active faults…B
  • Subduction-zone earthquakes…C
eqcategory Earthquake category
<2008 to 2019 version>

  • Category I …1
  • Category II …2
  • Category III…3

<2020 version ~ >

  • Subduction-zone earthquakes…4
  • Shallow earthquakes in land area & in sea area…3
case Average / Maximum case

  • Average case…AVR
  • Maximum case…MAX
probability Probability of occurrence

Probability for earthquakes that consider occurrence pattern multiplied weight value assigned to the each patterns.
magnitude Magnitude
Note) Negative value of magnitude means moment magnitude and positive means JMA magnitude.

If the magnitude has a range, comma-separated list of minimum and maximum values is written.
e.g. Magnitude range from 6.0 to 6.5…”6.0,6.5″
score Value of evaluation function
This value only has relative meaning. The more influence, the larger value.
ijma Expectancy of IJMA

  • mode=C…Expected value
  • mode=S…Evaluated value

Note1) Earlier maps of the 2012 version, a value is rounded to the one decimal place.
Note2) On and after the 2013 version, a value is rounded down to the one decimal place.

i45_ps 5-Lower probability of exceedance
This value exists only if the mode equals “C”.
i50_ps 5-Upper probability of exceedance
This value exists only if the mode equals “C”.
i55_ps 6-Lower probability of exceedance
This value exists only if the mode equals “C”.
i60_ps 6-Upper probability of exceedance
This value exists only if the mode equals “C”.
Error case
Error classification code

Error classification code is given as following.

Classification code Description
INVALID_REQUEST The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
DB_CONNECT_ERROR An error about Database occurred while processing your request.
UNKNOWN_ERROR An unknown error occurred while processing your request.
NOT_FOUND The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.
JSON format

Once a request failed, response in JSON format is given as following.

Tag Description
type The type of the JSON object

  • PshmHzcv (fixed)
status Status

  • Error (fixed)
error Error information
code An error classification code
message An error message
Response sample
Request URL
JSON format error response
    "status": "Error",
    "error": {
        "code": "INVALID_REQUEST",
        "message": "option [ format ] is not defined"
XML format

In a request failed, response in XML format is as follows.

Tag Description
jshis:status Request status

  • Error (fixed)
jshis:error Error information
jshis:code An error classification code
jshis:message An error message
Response sample
Request URL
XML format error response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jshis:FltsearchMesh xmlns:jshis="http://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp"
 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp http://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp/map/xsd/gml-v2.1.2/fltsearch-mesh-v1.0.xsd">
        <jshis:message>Supported options for [ijma] are : 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 </jshis:message>
Category : API