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Landslide information API

This API provides whether specified 250m mesh intersect with landslide topography or not.



Request URL


Table of contents


– By Mesh code
– By Longitude and Latitude
– Parameter


– Status code
– Normal case
– Error case
– Error classification code



There are two ways that you can specify search position, either by longitude and latitude or by the mesh code. In the URL, bold characters indicate a request parameter; superscript number corresponds to the No. in parameter list.

By Mesh code
By Longitude and Latitude

Request parameters of the API are as follows. The parameters are case-sensitive.

No Parameters Dispensability Input values and Description
1 meshcode Conditional 250m mesh code

Refer to the Quarter Grid Square definition for more information.

Note) Request fails if the “epsg” or “position” parameter is specified with this parameter.

2 position Conditional Longitude and Latitude are separated by a comma.
The coordinates are restricted in the following regions.

  • 122.0≦Longitude≦154.0
  • 20.0≦Latitude≦46.0

Note1) This parameter is required when “epsg” parameter is specified.
Note2) Request fails if a “meshcode” parameter is specified.

3 epsg Conditional EPSG code

  • JGD2000…4612
  • Tokyo…4301
  • WGS84…4326

Note1) This parameter is required when “position” parameter is specified.
Note2) Request fails if a “meshcode” parameter is specified.

4 lang Optional Response language

  • Japanese…ja
  • English…en

Note) A default value is “ja”.


Status code

The data acquisition is successful, once you got the return HTTP 200 status code. Otherwise, please see the following HTTP status code.

HTTP status code Description Detail
400 Bad Request The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.

For example, unsupported value was setup.

403 Forbidden The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.

For example, requests exceeded the upper limits of normal.

404 Not Found The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.

For example, non-existent mesh code was specified.

500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
503 Service Unavailable The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.

For example, a database connection fails.

Normal case

Response is as follows.

Tag Description
status Request status

  • Success(fixed)
isContaining Whether specified 250m mesh intersect with landslide topography or not.

  • 0…not intersecting
  • 1…intersecting
metaData Meta-information
meshcode 250m mesh code

Refer to the Quarter Grid Square definition for details.

url A URL link to J-SHIS map centered in specified 250m mesh
scarps An array with attributes of ‘Boundary Structures (Main scarp and lateral scarp (flank))’

Refer to a List of Attr2codes for ‘Boundary Structures (Main scarp and lateral scarp (flank))’ for more information.

attr1code attribute1 code

  • 100 (fixed)
attr1name attribute1 name

  • Boundary Structures (Main scarp and lateral scarp(flank)) (fixed)
attr2code attribute2 code
attr2name attribute2 name
movingmass_polygons An array with attributes of ‘Boundary Structures (Margin of moving mass) (Boundary)’

Refer to a List of Attr2codes for ‘Boundary Structures (Margin of moving mass) (Boundary)’ for more information

attr1code attribute1 code

  • 300 (fixed)
attr1name attribute1 name

  • Boundary Structures(Margin of moving mass)(Boundary) (fixed)
attr2code attribute2 code
attr2name attribute2 name

Attr2codes and those legends are different by attrcode1.

Attribute1 code Attribute1 name Geometry Attribute2
100 Boundary Structures (Main scarp and lateral scarp(flank)) MultiLineString Attr2codes in case attr1 is 100
300 Boundary Structures (Margin of moving mass) (Boundary) MultiPolygon Attr2codes in case attr2 is 300

Attr2codes for ‘Boundary Structures (Main scarp and lateral scarp (flank))’ are as follows

Attribute2 code Attribute2 name
100 Main and/or lateral scarp of which crown is fresh or not dissected
200 Partially dissected crown
300 Mostly dissected crown
400 Roundly subdued and vague crown
500 Exposed slide surface without sharp scarp
600 Lunar or crown cracks, multiple scarps and ridges
700 The missing part of the scarp and crown by dissection

Attr2codes for ‘Boundary Structures (Margin of moving mass) (Boundary)’ are as follows.

Attribute2 code Attribute2 name
100 Moving mass
200 Probable boundary of an area inferred as an unstable or quasi-moving mass
300 A mountain or hill difficult to identify whether mass is moving or not
Response sample
Request URL
  "status": "Success",
  "isContaining": 1,
  "metaData": {
    "meshcode": "5940768244N",
    "url": "http://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp/map/?epoch=Y2013&lang=jp&zoom=12&ls=1&center=140.78594,39.99063&layer=P-Y2013-MAP-AVR-TTL_MTTL-T30_I55_PD&transparent=1&flt=0,0,0,0",
    "scarps": [
        "attr1code": 100,
        "attr1name": "Boundary Structures(Main scarp and lateral scarp(flank))",
        "attr2code": 100,
        "attr2name": "Main and/or lateral scarp of which crown is fresh or not dissected."
      }, {
        "attr1code": 100,
        "attr1name": "Boundary Structures(Main scarp and lateral scarp(flank))",
        "attr2code": 100,
        "attr2name": "Main and/or lateral scarp of which crown is fresh or not dissected.",
      }, {
        "attr1code": 100,
        "attr1name": "Boundary Structures(Main scarp and lateral scarp(flank))",
        "attr2code": 300,
        "attr2name": "Mostly dissected crown."
      }, {
        "attr1code": 100,
        "attr1name": "Boundary Structures(Main scarp and lateral scarp(flank))",
        "attr2code": 300,
        "attr2name": "Mostly dissected crown."
    "movingmass_polygons": [
        "attr1code": 300,
        "attr1name": "Boundary Structures(Margin of moving mass)(Boundary)",
        "attr2code": 300,
        "attr2name": "A mountain or hill difficult to identify whether mass is moving or not."
      }, {
        "attr1code": 300,
        "attr1name": "Boundary Structures(Margin of moving mass)(Boundary)",
        "attr2code": 100,
        "attr2name": "Moving mass."
Error case
Error classification code

Error classification code is given as following.

Classification code Description
INVALID_REQUEST The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
DB_CONNECT_ERROR An error about Database occurred while processing your request.
UNKNOWN_ERROR An unknown error occurred while processing your request.
NOT_FOUND The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.

Once a request failed, response is given as following.

Tag Description
type The type of the GeoJSON object

  • FeatureCollection (fixed)
status Request status

  • Error (fixed)
error Error information
code The error classification code
message An error message
features An empty array
Response sample
Request URL
Error response
  "status": "Error",
  "error": {
    "code": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "Supported value for option [ lang ] is ja,en"
Category : API