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Seismic activity model information API

This API provides fault shapes and seismic activity models.



Request URL


Table of contents


– Parameter


– Status code
– Normal case
– GeoJSON format
– GML format
– Error case
– Error classification code
– GeoJSON format
– GML format



In the URL,bold characters indicate a request parameter; superscript number corresponds to the No. in parameter list.


Request parameters of the API are as follows. The parameters are case-sensitive.

No Parameters Dispensability Input values and Description
1 format Required format

  • GeoJSON format…geojson
  • GML format…gml
2 version Required Map version

  • 2008 version…Y2008
  • 2009 version…Y2009
  • 2010 version…Y2010
  • 2011 version…Y2011
  • 2012 version (model 1)…Y2012
  • 2012 version (model 2)…Y2012_M2
  • 2013 version (model 1)…Y2013
  • 2013 version (model 2)…Y2013_M2
  • 2013 version (model 3)…Y2013_M3
  • 2014 version…Y2014
  • 2016 version…Y2016
  • 2017 version…Y2017
  • 2018 version…Y2018
  • 2019 NIED version…Y2019
  • 2020 version…Y2020
  • 2021 NIED version…Y2021
  • 2022 NIED version…Y2022
  • 2023 NIED version…Y2023
  • 2024 NIED version…Y2024
3 ltecode Required Fault code

Refer to The J-SHIS Fault Code for details.

4 epsg Required EPSG code

  • JGD2000…4612
  • Tokyo…4301
  • WGS84…4326
5 case Required Probability case

  • Average case…AVR
  • Maximum case…MAX
6 lang Optional Response language

  • Japanese…ja
  • English…en

Note) A default value is “ja”.


Status code

Once the HTTP status code 200 returned, the data acquisition would be successful, otherwise, please see the following HTTP status code.

HTTP status code Description Detail
400 Bad Request The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.

For example, unsupported value was setup.

403 Forbidden The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.

For example, requests exceeded the upper limits of normal.

404 Not Found The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.

For example, non-existent mesh code was specified.

500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
503 Service Unavailable The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.

For example, a database connection fails.

Normal case

The four kind of shape types are described in detail as following tables. Based on the acquired fault shape type, a set of member element of the response is constructed in the forms of GeoJSON or GML.

No. Fault shape type Description
a. Specified fault model: rectangle The specified earthquakes source fault, can be represented by rectangular planes
b. Specified fault model: Of rectangular (occurrence pattern considered) The geometry information of “Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (except Kongo-sanchi-toen segment) of 2018 version and later”
c. Specified fault model: non-rectangle The specified earthquakes source fault, cannot be represented by rectangular planes
d. Specified fault model: Of non-rectangular (occurrence pattern considered) The geometry information of “Nankai Trough earthquakes of 2013-2019 version”, “The Sagami Trough earthquakes (M8 class) of 2014 version or later”, “Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench, Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki, and Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki of 2018 version or later”, and “Mega earthquakes along the Japan Trench (Great East Japan
Earthquake 2011 type), Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki, Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-Oki, and Large Earthquakes along the Nankai Trough of 2020 version or later”.

The fault data is represented by an array of occurrence pattern code.
Refer to “a list of occurrence pattern codes” for details.

Note) The large file size (>1MB for GeoJSON, >10MB in GML) may slow downloading.

e. Discretized rectangular source faults Subduction-type earthquakes of which seismic sources are represented by discretized rectangular planes
f. Discretized non-rectangular source faults Subduction-type earthquakes of which seismic sources are represented by discretized non-rectangular planes

The occurrence pattern codes are given as following.

Nankai Trough earthquakes (2013 – 2019 version)
Occurrence pattern code Description
ANN10 Nankai Trough earthquakes (ZYXE)
ANN11 Nankai Trough earthquakes (ZYXEd)
ANN12 Nankai Trough earthquakes (ZYXEs)
ANN13 Nankai Trough earthquakes (ZYXEsd)
ANN20 Nankai Trough earthquakes (YXE)
ANN21 Nankai Trough earthquakes (YXEs)
ANN30 Nankai Trough earthquakes (ZYX)
ANN31 Nankai Trough earthquakes (ZYXs)
ANN40 Nankai Trough earthquakes (YX)
ANN41 Nankai Trough earthquakes (YXs)
ANN50 Nankai Trough earthquakes (s)
ANNI1 Nankai Trough earthquakes (ZY, XE)
ANNI2 Nankai Trough earthquakes (Y, XE)
ANNI3 Nankai Trough earthquakes (ZY, X)
ANNI4 Nankai Trough earthquakes (Y, X)
Large Earthquakes along the Nankai Trough (2020 version and later)
Occurrence pattern code Description
AN001 Large Earthquakes along the Nankai Trough (pattern 1)
AN002 Large Earthquakes along the Nankai Trough (pattern 2)
: (omitted) : (omitted)
AN176 Large Earthquakes along the Nankai Trough (pattern 176)
AN177 Large Earthquakes along the Nankai Trough (Maximum class)
Sagami Trough earthquakes
Occurrence pattern code Description
ASG01 Sagami Trough earthquakes (M8 class: Area1)
ASG02 Sagami Trough earthquakes (M8 class: Area2)
ASG03 Sagami Trough earthquakes (M8 class: Area3)
ASG04 Sagami Trough earthquakes (M8 class: Area4)
ASG05 Sagami Trough earthquakes (M8 class: Area5)
ASG06 Sagami Trough earthquakes (M8 class: Area6)
ASG07 Sagami Trough earthquakes (M8 class: Area7)
ASG08 Sagami Trough earthquakes (M8 class: Area8)
ASG09 Sagami Trough earthquakes (M8 class: Area9)
ASG10 Sagami Trough earthquakes (M8 class: Area10)
Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench
Occurrence pattern code Description
ACH01 Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench(Mw8.7 model1)
ACH02 Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench(Mw8.7 model2)
ACH03 Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench(Mw8.7 model3)
ACH04 Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench(Mw8.8 model1)
ACH05 Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench(Mw8.8 model2)
ACH06 Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench(Mw8.8 model3)
ACH07 Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench(Mw8.8 model4)
ACH08 Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench(Mw8.9 model1)
ACH09 Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench(Mw8.9 model2)
ACH10 Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench(Mw9.0 model1)
ACH11 Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench(Mw9.0 model2)
ACH12 Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench(Mw9.0 model3)
ACH13 Mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench(Mw9.2 model1)
Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki
Occurrence pattern code Description
ATK01 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.0 model1)
ATK02 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.0 model2)
ATK03 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.0 model3)
ATK04 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.0 model4)
ATK05 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.0 model5)
ATK06 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.0 model6)
ATK07 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.0 model7)
ATK08 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.0 model8)
ATK09 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.0 model9)
ATK10 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.0 model10)
ATK11 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.0 model11)
ATK12 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.0 model12)
ATK13 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.0 model13)
ATK14 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.1 model1)
ATK15 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.1 model2)
ATK16 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.1 model3)
ATK17 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.1 model4)
ATK18 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.1 model5)
ATK19 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.1 model6)
ATK20 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.1 model7)
ATK21 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.1 model8)
ATK22 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.2 model1)
ATK23 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.2 model2)
ATK24 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.2 model3)
ATK25 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.2 model4)
ATK26 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.2 model5)
ATK27 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.3 model1)
ATK28 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.3 model2)
ATK29 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.3 model3)
ATK30 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.3 model4)
ATK31 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.4 model1)
ATK32 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.5 model1)
ATK33 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.5 model2)
ATK34 Huge interplate earthquakes in Tokachi-oki(Mw8.6 model1)
Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki
Occurrence pattern code Description
ANM01 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.0 model1)
ANM02 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.0 model2)
ANM03 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.0 model3)
ANM04 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.0 model4)
ANM05 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.0 model5)
ANM06 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.0 model6)
ANM07 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.0 model7)
ANM08 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.0 model8)
ANM09 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.1 model1)
ANM10 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.1 model2)
ANM11 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.1 model3)
ANM12 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.1 model4)
ANM13 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.1 model5)
ANM14 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.1 model6)
ANM15 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.2 model1)
ANM16 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.2 model2)
ANM17 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.2 model3)
ANM18 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.3 model1)
ANM19 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.3 model2)
ANM20 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.3 model3)
ANM21 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.4 model1)
ANM22 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.4 model2)
ANM23 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.4 model3)
ANM24 Huge interplate earthquakes in Nemuro-oki(Mw8.5 model1)
Mega earthquakes along the Japan Trench (Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 type)
Occurrence pattern code Description
AJT01 Mega earthquakes along the Japan Trench (Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 type) (Mw8.6 model1)
AJT02 Mega earthquakes along the Japan Trench (Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 type) (Mw8.8 model1)
AJT03 Mega earthquakes along the Japan Trench (Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 type) (Mw8.7 model1)
AJT04 Mega earthquakes along the Japan Trench (Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 type) (Mw8.9 model1)
AJT05 Mega earthquakes along the Japan Trench (Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 type) (Mw8.8 model2)
AJT06 Mega earthquakes along the Japan Trench (Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 type) (Mw9.0 model1)
AJT07 Mega earthquakes along the Japan Trench (Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 type) (Mw8.6 model2)
AJT08 Mega earthquakes along the Japan Trench (Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 type) (Mw8.7 model2)
AJT09 Mega earthquakes along the Japan Trench (Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 type) (Mw8.7 model3)
AJT10 Mega earthquakes along the Japan Trench (Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 type) (Mw8.9 model2)
Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki
Occurrence pattern code Description
AAE01 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model1)
AAE02 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model2)
AAE03 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model3)
AAE04 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model4)
AAE05 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model5)
AAE06 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model6)
AAE07 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model7)
AAE08 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model8)
AAE09 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model9)
AAE10 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model10)
AAE11 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model11)
AAE12 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model12)
AAE13 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model13)
AAE14 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model14)
AAE15 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw7.9 model15)
AAE16 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.0 model1)
AAE17 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.0 model2)
AAE18 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.0 model3)
AAE19 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.0 model4)
AAE20 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.0 model5)
AAE21 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.0 model6)
AAE22 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.0 model7)
AAE23 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.0 model8)
AAE24 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.0 model9)
AAE25 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.0 model10)
AAE26 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.1 model1)
AAE27 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.1 model2)
AAE28 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.1 model3)
AAE29 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.1 model4)
AAE30 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.1 model5)
AAE31 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.1 model6)
AAE32 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.1 model7)
AAE33 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.1 model8)
AAE34 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.2 model1)
AAE35 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.2 model2)
AAE36 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.2 model3)
AAE37 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.2 model4)
AAE38 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.2 model5)
AAE39 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.2 model6)
AAE40 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.3 model1)
AAE41 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.3 model2)
AAE42 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.3 model3)
AAE43 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.3 model4)
AAE44 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.3 model5)
AAE45 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.4 model1)
AAE46 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.4 model2)
AAE47 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.5 model1)
AAE48 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.5 model2)
AAE49 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.6 model1)
AAE50 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.7 model1)
AAE51 Huge interplate earthquakes in Aomori-ken-toho-Oki and Northern Iwate-ken-Oki (Mw8.8 model1)
Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-Oki
Occurrence pattern code Description
AMY01 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw7.9 model1)
AMY02 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw7.9 model2)
AMY03 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw7.9 model3)
AMY04 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw7.9 model4)
AMY05 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw7.9 model5)
AMY06 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw7.9 model6)
AMY07 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw7.9 model7)
AMY08 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.0 model1)
AMY09 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.0 model2)
AMY10 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.0 model3)
AMY11 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.0 model4)
AMY12 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.1 model1)
AMY13 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.1 model2)
AMY14 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.1 model3)
AMY15 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.2 model1)
AMY16 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.2 model2)
AMY17 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.3 model1)
AMY18 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.4 model1)
AMY19 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.5 model1)
AMY20 Huge interplate earthquakes in Miyagi-ken-toho-Oki (Mw8.6 model1)
Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone
Occurrence pattern code Description
FM* 40°
FH* 90°
GeoJSON format

GeoJSON response is as follows.

Common part
Tag Description
type The type of the GeoJSON object

  • FeatureCollection (fixed)
crs The coordinate reference system (CRS) of the GeoJSON object
status Request status

  • Success (fixed)
features Member element

Refer to links listed below for details.

  1. Specified fault model: rectangle
  2. Specified fault model: Of rectangular (occurrence pattern considered)
  3. Specified fault model: non-rectangle
  4. Specified fault model: Of non-rectangular (occurrence pattern considered)
  5. Discretized rectangular source faults
  6. Discretized non-rectangular source faults
seisact_model Attributes of the seismic activity model
ltecode Fault code

Refer to The J-SHIS Fault Code for details.

ltename Fault name
geom_num Number of geometry in response
proc Stochastic process

  • POI…Poisson processes
  • BPT…Renewal processes
  • COM…Combined BPT and POI
  • BSI…BPT process (Simultaneous occurring model)
  • PSI…Poisson process (Simultaneous occurring model)
  • SIM…Simultaneous occurring model
  • XXX…None evaluation
alpha Variance

Note) This exists only for “BPT” Stochastic process.

avract Mean recurrence interval (Years)
newact The time of the latest event (Years ago: from reference date)
t30p Probability of occurrence in 30 years
t50p Probability of occurrence in 50 years
magl Minimum magnitude

Note) Negative value means moment magnitude and positive for JMA magnitude.

magu Maximum magnitude

Note) Negative value means moment magnitude and positive for JMA magnitude.

metaData Meta-information
version Map version
case Probability case
ltecode Fault code
a. Specified fault model: rectangle

There are one or more GeoJSON Feature objects about faults matching the search criteria in member element.

Tag Description
type The type of the feature object

  • Feature (fixed)
geometry A geometry object of the rectangular mesh
properties Any JSON object
lon Longitude of the reference point of rectangular fault
lat Latitude of the reference point of rectangular fault
dep Depth of the upper edge of rectangular fault (km)
len Length of rectangular fault (km)
wid Width of rectangular fault (km)
str Strike angle (degree)
dip Dip angle (degree)
flt_id Fault rectangular number

e.g.: AAOMW_00001

b. Specified fault model: Of rectangular (occurrence pattern considered)

There are one or more GeoJSON Feature objects about faults matching the search criteria in member element.

Tag Description
type The type of the feature object

  • Feature(fixed)
geometry A geometry object of the rectangular mesh
properties Any JSON object
lon Longitude of the reference point of rectangular fault
lat Latitude of the reference point of rectangular fault
dep Depth of the upper edge of rectangular fault (km)
len Length of rectangular fault (km)
wid Width of rectangular fault (km)
str Strike angle (degree)
dip Dip angle (degree)
flt_id Fault rectangular number


pattern_code Occurrence pattern code


weight Weight
c. Specified fault model: non-rectangle

There is a GeoJSON Feature object about faults matching the search criteria in member element.

Tag Description
type The type of the feature object

  • Feature (fixed)
geometry A geometry object of the rectangular mesh
properties JSON null object

  • {} (fixed)
d. Specified fault model: Of non-rectangular (occurrence pattern considered)

There are one or more GeoJSON Feature objects about occurrence patterns of faults matching the search criteria in member element.

Tag Description
type The type of the feature object

  • Feature (fixed)
geometry A geometry object of the rectangular mesh
properties Any JSON object
pattern_code Occurrence pattern code

e.g.: ANN10

weight Weight
e. Discretized rectangular source faults

There are one or more GeoJSON Feature objects about faults matching the search criteria in member element.

Tag Description
type The type of the feature object

  • Feature (fixed)
geometry A geometry object of the rectangular mesh
properties Any JSON object
lon Longitude of the reference point of rectangular fault
lat Latitude of the reference point of rectangular fault
dep Depth of the upper edge of rectangular fault (km)
len Length of rectangular fault (km)
wid Width of rectangular fault (km)
str Strike angle (degree)
dip Dip angle (degree)
flt_id Fault rectangular number

e.g.: BHGNS_00001

relative_probability An array of pairs of magnitude and relative probability
freq Relative probability
mag Magnitude

Note) Negative value means moment magnitude and positive for JMA magnitude.

f. Discretized non-rectangular source faults

There are one or more GeoJSON Feature objects about faults matching the search criteria in member element.

Tag Description
type The type of the feature object

  • Feature(fixed)
geometry A geometry object of the rectangular mesh
properties Any JSON object
dep Representative depth
mag Magnitude

Note) Negative value means moment magnitude and positive for JMA magnitude.

freq Relative probability
Response sample
  1. Specified fault model: rectangle
  2. Specified fault model: Of rectangular (occurrence pattern considered)
  3. Specified fault model: non-rectangle
  4. Specified fault model: Of non-rectangular (occurrence pattern considered)
  5. Discretized rectangular source faults
  6. Discretized non-rectangular source faults
Request URL (a. Specified fault model: rectangle)
GeoJSON format response (a. Specified fault model: rectangle)
  "type" : "FeatureCollection",
  "crs" : {
    "type" : "name",
    "properties" : {
      "name" : "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301"
  "status" : "Success",
  "features" : [
      "type" : "Feature",
      "geometry" : {
        "coordinates" : [
              138.86, 40.27, 0
            ], [
              138.9665, 40.57446, 0
            ], [
              139.34, 40.4978, 11.97071
            ], [
              139.2335, 40.19334, 11.97071
            ], [
              138.86, 40.27, 0
        "type" : "Polygon"
      "properties" : {
        "lon" : "138.860",
        "lat" : "40.270",
        "dep" : "0.0",
        "len" : "35.0",
        "wid" : "35.0",
        "str" : "15.0",
        "dip" : "20.0",
        "flt_id" : "AAOMW_00001"
    }, {
    }, {
      "type" : "Feature",
      "geometry" : {
        "coordinates" : [
              138.9, 41.35, 1
            ], [
              139.21045, 41.48506, 1
            ], [
              139.32945, 41.32974, 12.5
            ], [
              139.019, 41.19468, 12.5
            ], [
              138.9, 41.35, 1
        "type" : "Polygon"
      "properties" : {
        "lon" : "138.900",
        "lat" : "41.350",
        "dep" : "1.0",
        "len" : "30.0",
        "wid" : "23.0",
        "str" : "60.0",
        "dip" : "30.0",
        "flt_id" : "AAOMW_00004",
  "seisact_model" : {
    "ltecode" : "AAOMW",
    "ltename" : "Aomori-ken-seiho-Oki Earthquake",
    "geom_num" : 4,
    "proc" : "BPT",
    "alpha" : "0.21",
    "avract" : "950.0",
    "newact" : "29.6",
    "t30p" : "0.00e+00",
    "t50p" : "0.00e+00",
    "magl" : "-7.7",
    "magu" : "-7.7"
  "metaData" : {
    "version" : "Y2013",
    "case" : "AVR",
    "ltecode" : "AAOMW"

Request URL (b. Specified fault model: Of rectangular (occurrence pattern considered))
GeoJSON format response (b. Specified fault model: Of rectangular (occurrence pattern considered))
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "crs": {
    "type": "name",
    "properties": {
      "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4612"
  "status": "Success",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "coordinates": [
              135.693, 34.41, 4
            ], [
              135.38736, 34.31529, 4
            ], [
              135.33484, 34.43172, 15.57018
            ], [
              135.64048, 34.52643, 15.57018
            ], [
              135.693, 34.41, 4
        "type": "Polygon"
      "properties": {
        "lon": "135.693",
        "lat": "34.410",
        "dep": "4.0",
        "len": "30.0",
        "wid": "18.0",
        "str": "249.5",
        "dip": "40.0",
        "flt_id": "FM20102_00001",
        "pattern_code": "FM20102",
        "weight": "0.666667"
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "coordinates": [
              135.722, 34.396, 4
            ], [
              135.37566, 34.28866, 4
            ], [
              135.37566, 34.28866, 16
            ], [
              135.722, 34.396, 16
            ], [
              135.722, 34.396, 4
        "type": "Polygon"
      "properties": {
        "lon": "135.722",
        "lat": "34.396",
        "dep": "4.0",
        "len": "34.0",
        "wid": "12.0",
        "str": "249.5",
        "dip": "90.0",
        "flt_id": "FH20102_00001",
        "pattern_code": "FH20102",
        "weight": "0.333333"
  "seisact_model": {
    "ltecode": "F020102",
    "ltename": "Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Gojoya segment)",
    "geom_num": 2,
    "proc": "BSI",
    "avract": "3000.0",
    "newact": "1759.0",
    "t30p": "3.05e-03",
    "t50p": "5.32e-03",
    "magl": "-6.8",
    "magu": "-6.8"
  "metaData": {
    "version": "Y2018",
    "case": "AVR",
    "ltecode": "F020102"

Request URL (c. Specified fault model: non-rectangle)
GeoJSON format response (c. Specified fault model: non-rectangle)
  "type" : "FeatureCollection",
  "crs" : {
    "type" : "name",
    "properties" : {
      "name" : "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301"
  "status" : "Success",
  "features" : [
      "type" : "Feature",
      "geometry" : {
        "coordinates" : [
            148.927, 44.25, 26.6
          ], [
            148.868, 44.308, 29.8
          ], [
          ], [
            151.97, 45.771, 22.6
          ], [
            152.031, 45.713, 19.8
        "type" : "MultiPoint"
      "properties" : {
  "seisact_model" : {
    "ltecode" : "AETRF",
    "ltename" : "Etorofuto-Oki Earthquake",
    "geom_num" : 484,
    "proc" : "BPT",
    "alpha" : "0.28",
    "avract" : "72.2",
    "newact" : "49.2",
    "t30p" : "6.44e-01",
    "t50p" : "8.89e-01",
    "magl" : "-8.1",
    "magu" : "-8.1"
  "metaData" : {
    "version" : "Y2013",
    "case" : "AVR",
    "ltecode" : "AETRF"

Request URL (d. Specified fault model: Of non-rectangular (occurrence pattern considered))
GeoJSON format response (d. Specified fault model: Of non-rectangular (occurrence pattern considered))
  "type" : "FeatureCollection",
  "crs" : {
    "type" : "name",
    "properties" : {
      "name" : "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301"
  "status" : "Success",
  "features" : [
      "type" : "Feature",
      "geometry" : {
        "coordinates" : [
            138.441, 35.433, 22.3
          ], [
            138.388, 35.433, 23.9
          ], [
          ], [
            131.77, 31.566, 23.6
          ], [
            131.77, 31.52, 23.3
        "type" : "MultiPoint"
      "properties" : {
        "pattern_code" : "ANN10",
        "weight" : "0.0125"
    }, {
    }, {
      "type" : "Feature",
      "geometry" : {
        "coordinates" : [
            135.16, 33.23, 15.1
          ], [
            135.106, 33.23, 14.8
          ], [
            135.967, 33.275, 13.5
          ], [
            135.913, 33.275, 14.1
        "type" : "MultiPoint"
      "properties" : {
        "pattern_code" : "ANNI4",
        "weight" : "0.1000"
  "seisact_model" : {
    "ltecode" : "ANNKI",
    "ltename" : "Nankai Trough earthquakes",
    "geom_num" : 2217,
    "proc" : "BPT",
    "alpha" : "0.22",
    "avract" : "88.2",
    "newact" : "67.1",
    "t30p" : "6.65e-01",
    "t50p" : "9.09e-01",
    "magl" : "-8.2",
    "magu" : "-9.1"
  "metaData" : {
    "version" : "Y2013",
    "case" : "AVR",
    "ltecode" : "ANNKI"

Request URL (e. Discretized rectangular source faults)
GeoJSON format response (e. Discretized rectangular source faults)
  "type" : "FeatureCollection",
  "crs" : {
    "type" : "name",
    "properties" : {
      "name" : "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301"
  "status" : "Success",
  "features" : [
      "type" : "Feature",
      "geometry" : {
        "coordinates" : [
              132.273, 31.321, 8.3
            ], [
              132.15328, 31.02253, 8.3
            ], [
              131.82657, 31.1191, 20.27071
            ], [
              131.94629, 31.41757, 20.27071
            ], [
              132.273, 31.321, 8.3
        "type" : "Polygon"
      "properties" : {
        "lon" : "132.273",
        "lat" : "31.321",
        "dep" : "8.3",
        "len" : "35.0",
        "wid" : "35.0",
        "str" : "199.0",
        "dip" : "20.0",
        "flt_id" : "BHGNS_00001",
        "relative_probability" : [
            "freq" : "1.00000",
            "mag" : "-7.1"
    }, {
    }, {
      "type" : "Feature",
      "geometry" : {
        "coordinates" : [
              132.44, 32.965, 25.7
            ], [
              132.25281, 32.69169, 25.7
            ], [
              131.95898, 32.8347, 40.49164
            ], [
              132.14616, 33.10801, 40.49164
            ], [
              132.44, 32.965, 25.7
        "type" : "Polygon"
      "properties" : {
        "lon" : "132.440",
        "lat" : "32.965",
        "dep" : "25.7",
        "len" : "35.0",
        "wid" : "35.0",
        "str" : "210.0",
        "dip" : "25.0",
        "flt_id" : "BHGNS_00044",
        "relative_probability" : [
            "freq" : "1.00000",
            "mag" : "-7.1"
  "seisact_model" : {
    "ltecode" : "BHGNS",
    "ltename" : "Relatively small interplate earthquakes in Hyuganada",
    "geom_num" : 44,
    "proc" : "POI",
    "avract" : "23.0",
    "newact" : "",
    "t30p" : "7.29e-01",
    "t50p" : "8.86e-01",
    "magl" : "-7.1",
    "magu" : "-7.1"
  "metaData" : {
    "version" : "Y2013",
    "case" : "AVR",
    "ltecode" : "BHGNS"

Request URL(f. Discretized non-rectangular source faults)
GeoJSON format response(f. Discretized non-rectangular source faults)
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "crs": {
    "type": "name",
    "properties": {
      "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4612"
  "status": "Success",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "coordinates": [
            146.383, 41.843, 0.5
          ], [
            146.383, 41.801, 0.3
            144.211, 41.259, 8.2
          ], [
            144.177, 41.226, 8.2
        "type": "MultiPoint"
      "properties": {
        "dep": "10.0",
        "mag": "-8.0",
        "freq": "0.0500"
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "coordinates": [
            152.511, 45.142, 0.5
          ], [
            152.574, 45.141, 0
            150.842, 44.987, 13.9
          ], [
            150.798, 45.021, 15.4
        "type": "MultiPoint"
      "properties": {
        "dep": "10.0",
        "mag": "-6.8",
        "freq": "0.0500"
  "seisact_model": {
    "ltecode": "BCHTN",
    "ltename": "Interplate earthquakes close to the Kuril Trench (Tsunami earthquakes)",
    "geom_num": 20,
    "proc": "POI",
    "avract": "39.0",
    "newact": "",
    "t30p": "5.40e-01",
    "t50p": "7.20e-01",
    "magl": "-6.8",
    "magu": "-8.0"
  "metaData": {
    "version": "Y2018",
    "case": "AVR",
    "ltecode": "BCHTN"
GML format

GML response is given as following.

Common part
Tag Description
A bounding box of all geometries included in the response
Request status

  • Success (fixed)
Member element

Refer to links listed below for details.

  1. Specified fault model: rectangle
  2. Specified fault model: Of rectangular (occurrence pattern considered)
  3. Specified fault model: non-rectangle
  4. Specified fault model: Of non-rectangular (occurrence pattern considered)
  5. Discretized rectangular source faults
  6. Discretized non-rectangular source faults
Attributes of the seismic activity model
Fault code

Refer to The J-SHIS Fault Code for details.

ltename Fault name
Number of geometry in response
Stochastic process

  • POI…Poisson processes
  • BPT…Renewal processes
  • COM…Combined BPT and POI
  • BSI…BPT process (Simultaneous occurring model)
  • PSI…Poisson process (Simultaneous occurring model)
  • SIM…Simultaneous occurring model
  • XXX…None evaluation

Note) This exists only for “BPT” Stochastic process.

Mean recurrence interval (Years)
The time of the latest event (Years ago: from reference date)
Probability of occurrence in 30 years
Probability of occurrence in 50 years
Minimum magnitude

Note) Negative value means moment magnitude and positive for JMA magnitude.

Maximum magnitude

Note) Negative value means moment magnitude and positive for JMA magnitude.

Map version
Probability case
Fault code
a. Specified fault model: rectangle
Tag Description
Geometry and additional properties of faults matching the search criteria
Coverage data
Longitude of the reference point of rectangular fault
Latitude of the reference point of rectangular fault
Depth of the upper edge of rectangular fault (km)
Length of rectangular fault (km)
Width of rectangular fault (km)
Strike angle (degree)
Dip angle (degree)
Fault rectangular number

e.g.: AAOMW_00001

b. Specified fault model: Of rectangular (occurrence pattern considered)
Tag Description
Geometry and additional properties of faults matching the search criteria
Coverage data
Longitude of the reference point of rectangular fault
Latitude of the reference point of rectangular fault
Depth of the upper edge of rectangular fault (km)
Length of rectangular fault (km)
Width of rectangular fault (km)
Strike angle (degree)
Dip angle (degree)
Fault rectangular number


Occurrence pattern code


c. Specified fault model: non-rectangle
Tag Description
Geometry and additional properties of faults matching the search criteria
MultiPosition data
d. Specified fault model: Of non-rectangular (occurrence pattern considered)
Tag Description
Geometry and additional properties of faults matching the search criteria
MultiPosition data
Occurrence pattern code

e.g.: ANN10

e. Discretized rectangular source faults
Tag Description
Geometry and additional properties of faults matching the search criteria
Coverage data
Longitude of the reference point of rectangular fault
Latitude of the reference point of rectangular fault
Depth of the upper edge of rectangular fault (km)
Length of rectangular fault (km))
Width of rectangular fault (km)
Strike angle (degree)
Dip angle (degree)
Fault rectangular number

e.g.: BHGNS_00001

An array of pairs of magnitude and relative probability
Relative probability

Note) Negative value means moment magnitude and positive for JMA magnitude.

f. Discretized non-rectangular source faults
Tag Description
Geometry and additional properties of faults matching the search criteria
MultiPosition data
Representative depth

Note) Negative value means moment magnitude and positive for JMA magnitude.

Relative probability
Response sample
  1. Specified fault model: rectangle
  2. Specified fault model: Of rectangular (occurrence pattern considered)
  3. Specified fault model: non-rectangle
  4. Specified fault model: Of non-rectangular (occurrence pattern considered)
  5. Discretized rectangular source faults
  6. Discretized non-rectangular source faults
Request URL (a. Specified fault model: rectangle)
GML format response (a. Specified fault model: rectangle)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jshis:PshmFltinfo xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml"
    xsi:schemaLocation="https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp/map/xsd/gml-v2.1.2/pshm-fltinfo-v1.0.xsd">
        <gml:Box srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301">
                <gml:Polygon srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301">
                            138.86,40.27,0 </gml:coordinates>
                <gml:Polygon srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301">
                            138.9,41.35,1 </gml:coordinates>
        <jshis:ltename>Aomori-ken-seiho-Oki Earthquake</jshis:ltename>

Request URL (b. Specified fault model: Of rectangular (occurrence pattern considered))
GML format response (b. Specified fault model: Of rectangular (occurrence pattern considered))
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jshis:PshmFltinfo xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:jshis="https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp/map/xsd/gml-v2.1.2/pshm-fltinfo-v1.0.xsd">
        <gml:Box srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4612">
                <gml:Polygon srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4612">
                            <gml:coordinates>135.693,34.41,4 135.38736,34.31529,4 135.33484,34.43172,15.57018 135.64048,34.52643,15.57018 135.693,34.41,4 </gml:coordinates>
                <gml:Polygon srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4612">
                            <gml:coordinates>135.722,34.396,4 135.37566,34.28866,4 135.37566,34.28866,16 135.722,34.396,16 135.722,34.396,4 </gml:coordinates>
        <jshis:ltename>Median Tectonic Line (MTL) fault zone (Gojoya segment)</jshis:ltename>

Request URL (c. Specified fault model: non-rectangle)
GML format response (c. Specified fault model: non-rectangle)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jshis:PshmFltinfo xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml"
    xsi:schemaLocation="https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp/map/xsd/gml-v2.1.2/pshm-fltinfo-v1.0.xsd">
        <gml:Box srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301">
                <gml:MultiPoint srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301">
        <jshis:ltename>Etorofuto-Oki Earthquake</jshis:ltename>

Request URL (d. Specified fault model: Of non-rectangular (occurrence pattern considered))
GML format response (d. Specified fault model: Of non-rectangular (occurrence pattern considered))
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jshis:PshmFltinfo xmlns:gml="https://www.opengis.net/gml"
    xsi:schemaLocation="https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp/map/xsd/gml-v2.1.2/pshm-fltinfo-v1.0.xsd">
        <gml:Box srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301">
                <gml:MultiPoint srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301">
                <gml:MultiPoint srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301">
        <jshis:ltename>Nankai Trough earthquakes</jshis:ltename>

Request URL (e. Discretized rectangular source faults)
GML format response (e. Discretized rectangular source faults)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jshis:PshmFltinfo xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml"
    xsi:schemaLocation="https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp/map/xsd/gml-v2.1.2/pshm-fltinfo-v1.0.xsd">
        <gml:Box srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301">
                <gml:Polygon srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301">
                            132.273,31.321,8.3 </gml:coordinates>
                <gml:Polygon srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4301">
                            132.44,32.965,25.7 </gml:coordinates>
        <jshis:ltename>Relatively small interplate earthquakes in Hyuganada</jshis:ltename>

Request URL (f. Discretized non-rectangular source faults)
GML format response (f. Discretized non-rectangular source faults)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jshis:PshmFltinfo xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:jshis="https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp/map/xsd/gml-v2.1.2/pshm-fltinfo-v1.0.xsd">
        <gml:Box srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4612">
                <gml:MultiPoint srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4612">
                <gml:MultiPoint srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4612">
        <jshis:ltename>Interplate earthquakes close to the Kuril Trench (Tsunami earthquakes)</jshis:ltename>
Error case
Error classification code

Error classification code is given as following.

Classification code Description
INVALID_REQUEST The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
DB_CONNECT_ERROR An error about Database occurred while processing your request.
UNKNOWN_ERROR An unknown error occurred while processing your request.
NOT_FOUND The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.
GeoJSON format

Once a request failed, response in GeoJSON format is given as following.

Tag Description
type The type of the GeoJSON object

  • FeatureCollection (fixed)
status Request status

  • Error (fixed)
error Error information
code The error classification code
message An error message
features An empty array
Response sample
Request URL
GeoJSON format error response
  "type" : "FeatureCollection",
  "status" : "Error",
  "error" : {
    "message" : "Selected ltecode (ANN10) is not exists.",
    "code" : "INVALID_REQUEST"
  "features" : [
      "geometry": {
        "coordinates": [
GML format

In a request failed, response in GML format is as follows.

Tag Description
gml:boundedBy null element



gml:featureMember An empty array
jshis:status Request status

  • Error (fixed)
jshis:error Error information
jshis:code An error classification code
jshis:message An error message
Response sample
Request URL
Error response in GML format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jshis:PshmFltinfo xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml"
    xsi:schemaLocation="https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp https://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp/map/xsd/gml-v2.1.2/pshm-fltinfo-v1.0.xsd">
        <jshis:message>Selected ltecode (ANN10) is not exists.</jshis:message>
Category : API