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Shallow Soil Condition properties API

This API provides classification code and name for engineering geomorphologic.



Request URL


Table of contents


– Parameters


– Status code
– Normal case
– JSON format
– XML format
– Error case
– Error classification code
– JSON format
– XML format



In the URL, bold characters indicate a request parameter; superscript number corresponds to the No. in parameter list.


Request parameters of the API are as follows. The parameters are case-sensitive.

No Parameter Dispensability Input values and Description
1 version Required Version code

  • Version 1…V1
  • Version 2…V2
  • Version 3…V3
  • Version 4…V4

Refer to a list of version codes for details.

2 format Required Response format

  • JSON format…json
  • XML format…xml

The following is a list of version codes.

Version code Description
V1 The 250m mesh data converted by dividing a third-mesh (about 1km square) into 16 meshes used for from 2005 version to 2008 version of “Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps”.
V2 The 250m mesh data used for 2009 version of “National Seismic Hazard Maps for Japan”.
V3 The 250m mesh data used for 2014 version of “National Seismic Hazard Maps for Japan”.
V4 The 250m mesh data used for 2020 version of “National Seismic Hazard Maps for Japan”.


Status code

The data acquisition is successful, once you got the return HTTP 200 status code. Otherwise, please see the following HTTP status code.

HTTP status code Description Detail
400 Bad Request The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.

For example, unsupported value was setup.

403 Forbidden The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.

For example, requests exceeded the upper limits of normal.

404 Not Found The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.

For example, non-existent mesh code was specified.

500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
503 Service Unavailable The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.

For example, a database connection fails.

Normal case
JSON format

JSON response is as follows.

Tag Description
status Request status

  • Success (fixed)
phys Physical property attribute
An array classification for engineering geomorphologic
jcode Classification code
name_ja Classification name (Japanese)
name_en Classification name (English)
metaData Meta-information
version Version code
Response sample
Request URL
JSON format response
        {"jcode":"2","name_ja":"山麓地","name_en":"Mountain footslope"},
        {"jcode":"5","name_ja":"火山山麓地","name_en":"Volcanic footslope"},
        {"jcode":"6","name_ja":"火山性丘陵","name_en":"Volcanic hill"},
        {"jcode":"7","name_ja":"岩石台地","name_en":"Rocky strath terrace"},
        {"jcode":"8","name_ja":"砂礫質台地","name_en":"Gravelly terrace"},
        {"jcode":"9","name_ja":"ローム台地","name_en":"Terrace covered with volcanic ashsoil"},
        {"jcode":"10","name_ja":"谷底低地","name_en":"Valley bottom lowland"},
        {"jcode":"11","name_ja":"扇状地","name_en":"Alluvial fan"},
        {"jcode":"12","name_ja":"自然堤防","name_en":"Natural levee"},
        {"jcode":"13","name_ja":"後背湿地","name_en":"Back marsh"},
        {"jcode":"14","name_ja":"旧河道","name_en":"Abandoned river channel"},
        {"jcode":"15","name_ja":"三角州・海岸低地","name_en":"Delta and coastal lowland"},
        {"jcode":"16","name_ja":"砂州・砂礫州","name_en":"Marine sand and gravel bars"},
        {"jcode":"17","name_ja":"砂丘","name_en":"Sand dune"},
        {"jcode":"18","name_ja":"砂州・砂丘間低地","name_en":"Lowland between coastal dunes and/or bars"},
        {"jcode":"19","name_ja":"干拓地","name_en":"Reclaimed land"},
        {"jcode":"20","name_ja":"埋立地","name_en":"Filled land"},
        {"jcode":"21","name_ja":"磯・岩礁","name_en":"Rock shore,rockreef"},
        {"jcode":"22","name_ja":"河原","name_en":"Dry river bed"},
        {"jcode":"23","name_ja":"河道","name_en":"River bed"},
        {"jcode":"24","name_ja":"湖沼","name_en":"Water body"}
XML format

XML response is given as following.

Tag Description
jshis:status Request status

  • Success (fixed)
jshis:physs Physical property attribute array
jshis:phys Physical property attribute
An array classification for engineering geomorphologic
jshis:jcode Classification code
jshis:name_ja Classification name (Japanese)
jshis:name_en Classification name (English)
jshis:metaData Meta-information
jshis:version Version code
Response sample
Request URL
XML format response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jshis:SstrctPhys xmlns:jshis="http://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp http://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp/map/xsd/gml-v2.1.2/sstrct-phys-v1.0.xsd">
            <jshis:name_en>Mountain footslope</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Volcanic footslope</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Volcanic hill</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Rocky strath terrace</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Gravelly terrace</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Terrace covered with volcanic ashsoil</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Valley bottom lowland</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Alluvial fan</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Natural levee</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Back marsh</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Abandoned river channel</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Delta and coastal lowland</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Marine sand and gravel bars</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Sand dune</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Lowland between coastal dunes and/or bars</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Reclaimed land</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Filled land</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Rock shore,rockreef</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Dry river bed</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>River bed</jshis:name_en>
            <jshis:name_en>Water body</jshis:name_en>
Error case
Error classification code

Error classification code is given as following.

Classification code Description
INVALID_REQUEST The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
DB_CONNECT_ERROR An error about Database occurred while processing your request.
UNKNOWN_ERROR An unknown error occurred while processing your request.
NOT_FOUND The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.
JSON format

Once a request failed, response in JSON format is given as following.

Tag Description
type The type of the JSON object

  • PshmHzcv (fixed)
status Status

  • Error (fixed)
error Error information
code An error classification code
message An error message
Response sample
Request URL
JSON format error response
    "status": "Error",
    "error": {
        "code": "INVALID_REQUEST",
        "message": "Supported options for [version] are : V1 / V2 / V3 / V4 "
XML format

In a request failed, response in XML format is as follows.

Tag Description
jshis:status Request status

  • Error (fixed)
jshis:error Error information
jshis:code An error classification code
jshis:message An error message
Response sample
Request URL
XML format error response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jshis:SstrctPhys xmlns:jshis="http://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp http://www.j-shis.bosai.go.jp/map/xsd/gml-v2.1.2/sstrct-phys-v1.0.xsd">
        <jshis:message>Supported options for [version] are : V1 / V2 / V3 / V4 </jshis:message>
Category : API