The second Workshop


The Joint Symposium of Seismic Hazard Assessment, June 17-19, 2013, Sendai, Japan

This joint symposium of seismic hazard assessment includes multiply meetings of

  1. Workshop on the ground motion attenuation models
  2. The 3rd annual meeting of China-Japan-Korea cooperative program
  3. The 2nd TEM-NIED Workshop

We were so pleased to have special lecture from Professor Kojiro Irikura. The participants joined the symposium not only from these cooperative programs but also from: PEER center UC Berkeley, IGP CEA, GEM, IGP VAST, UJF France and major universities, institutes in Japan. To let participants experience the destructive disasters from the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, we arranged the two-days field trip along the east Pacific coast areas. We have issued an 80-pages abstract proceedings include a) 33-oral and 19-poster presentations, b) the research activities of the Japan-China-Korea cooperative program, c) the NIED-TEM workshop, and d) field trip description.

After the lesson learnt from the 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku earthquake, the seismic hazard assessment issues have been reconsidering in Japan. Many fundamental researches and improvements have been gradually developing since then, such as 1) modeling of seismic activity with no oversight to low-probability earthquakes, 2) preparation of strong-motion evaluation considering low-probability earthquakes, 3) development of methodology for complementary use of PSHM and SESM, and 4) sophistication of techniques for prediction of strong-motion for mega earthquakes. Through this symposium, the more extensive cooperation for advanced seismic hazard assessments could be carried out in East Asia, Asia, as well as in the world.

June 17th, 2013

NHK-MT3D documentary The Tohoku earthquake disaster from 3-D technology (16Min with English narration)「3D東日本大震災 津波の傷跡」
Yoshimitsu Okada Welcome speaking
H. Fujiwara, X. Tao and M.S. Jun
Summary of PSHA activities in Japan, China, and Korea
TEM Representatvie:
Summary of PSHA activities in TEM
JNGA Representative:
K. Koketsu
Summary of JNGA activities
Special Lecture:
Kojiro Irikura
Lessons learned from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake for reducing earthquake disasters
Yousef Bozorgnia Recent advances in development of earthquake ground motion prediction equations
Saburoh Midorikawa Compilation and preliminary analysis of strong motion records of the 2011 Tohoku, Japan earthquake
Kazuki Koketsu Proposal of median distances for ground motion prediction equations
Nobuyuki Morikawa A new attenuation relation for Japan applicable up to Mw9
Tao Zhengru Seismology based ground motion attenuation relationship for the demonstration region of China in the joint project
Toshimi Satoh Simulation and prediction of long-period ground motions for subduction-zone mega-earthquakes in Japan using empirical relations
Po-Shen Lin Selection and weighting of ground motion prediction equations for seismic hazard analysis in Taiwan
Hongjun Si Evaluation equation of amplification factors for spectral acceleration
Kazuki Koketsu Closing remarks

June 18th, 2013

Hiroyuki Fujiwara Reconsiderations for seismic hazard assessment of Japan after the Great Tohoku earthquake
Tao Xiaxin Three progresses reached in China during this joint project
Myung-Soon JUN Improving input data for the Seismic Hazard Assessment in Korea
Toshihiko Okumura New seismic activity model of large earthquakes along Nankai trough for probabilistic seismic hazard maps for Japan
Chung-Han Chan Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Taiwan: Application of OpenQuake
JS JEON Current Status of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map in Korea
Ken XS Hao Recent destructive earthquakes and international collaboration for seismic hazard assessments
Marco Pagani GEM's community tools for probabilistic seismic hazard modelling and calculation
Phuong Simulation of a worst case tsunami scenario from the Manila trench to Vietnam
Gao Mentan The new seismic hazard map of China
Toshihiro Yamada Uncertainty in the assessment of seismic hazard
Tang Aiping Logic trees for probabilistic seismic hazard analysis in low seismological hazard zone

June 19th, 2013

T.K Hong Seismicity and seismotectonic province models of the Korean Peninsula
Hisanori Matuyama Construction of the detail 3D velocity structure models in Japan: several recent developments
Fabrice Cotton Selection and adjustment of empirical ground-motion models --Results from the GEM-Share European project
Kuo-Liang Wen Empirical site correction for ground motion simulation
Ruey-Juin Rau Present-day kinematics of Neogene extensional structures in the foreland of southwestern Taiwan from GPS observations during 2002-2012
T.S.Kang A technique for seismic discrimination of explosions from earthquakes
Kuo-Fong Ma Revisit of Taiwan historical damaging earthquakes for seismic hazard mitigation
Yuan-Hsi Lee Review the 1906 Meishan earthquake and Chiayi transfer zone in central Taiwan
Yin-Tung Yen Ground Motion Evaluation and Validation of the 1920 Hualian M8.0 Earthquake
J. Bruce H. Shyu Constructing the seismogenic structure source model of Taiwan
Yuan Daoyang Active fault segmentation and their seismic hazard assessment in Qilianshan, NE Tibet
Shin Aoi Kyoshin (Strong Motion) Monitor --- A new strong-motionmonitoring system ---

Poster Session

Hiroe Miyake Postdiction of source model and ground motions for the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
Hiroki Azuma Utilization of J-SHIS data for general public via J-SHIS Web APIs
Nobusuke Hasegawa Case study for utilization of seismic hazard information to local municipal program
Shih-Nan Cheng Literature Search and Seismogram Compilation of Historical Earthquakes in Taiwan
Yating Lee Characteristics of strong shaking duration in Taiwan
Shohei Naito On-site experiment of seismic monitoring network by utilization inside sensors of mobile terminal
Satoshi Shimizu Study of an empirical model to evaluate tsunami inundation area
My Thanh Tran Seismic zoning maps of Vietnam for the Building Code
Takayuki Hayashi Seismic hazard analysis based on the joint probability density function of PGA and PGV
Jyun-Yan Huang Comparison of several common transfer functions for site effect study in Taipei basin
Shigeki Senna Modeling of the subsurface structure from the seismic bedrock to the ground surface for a broadband strong motion evaluation
Zhao Jisheng Crustal dynamics simulation based on activitie characteristics of the fault
Yao Yunsheng Application of modern geodetic information in future seismic zoning
Yuan-Hsi Lee Review the 1906 Meishan earthquake and Chiayi transfer zone in central Taiwan
Asako Iwaki Long-period ground motion for megathrust earthquakes at the Sagami Trough: Effects of source variety on ground motion
Takahiro Maeda Evaluation of long-period ground motion for the anticipated Nankai-Trough megathrust earthquakes
Hiromitsu Nakamura A social experiment of a new strong-motion monitoring system (Kyoshin Monitor) with earthquake early warning
Chi Mingjie Adjustment of seismic ground motion parameters on site effects in seismic zonation map
Zhou Zhenghua The Statistical Analysis of Long-period Ground Motion Attenuation Relationships on Bedrock Site

Please note that these presentation materials are "PERSONAL USE ONLY." If you would like to use any figures, texts and pictures in the presentation materials in any other purposes, such as your own presentations, classes and publications, please be sure to contact with the authors to get permission (if you need their contact information, please let us know).