The first Workshop


Audience on the meeting at National Central University and professionals from Japan at NCREE, Taiwan

First workshop of the TEM-NIED was hosted in NCU, Taoyuan, Taiwan in June 4-6, 2012. Not only the researches from Taiwan and Japan, many professionals from USA, Swiss also joined the workshop. Over 24 speakers have presented from the fields of PSHA, Seismic network observation, Geological structures, Earthquake Early Warning, GMPE, Scenario earthquake simulation, and other related. The highlight of the workshop was invited as a representative of regional programmes on the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) semi-annual meeting. Field trips to fault rupture, the 921 Earthquake Museum, and NCREE laboratory, consist of a very rich taste of the earthquake problems.

On the consequence of the fruitful communications and discussions, both sides agree that the annual workshop will be hold in alternative counties.

June 4th, 2012

Highlights   Seismic Hazard Assessment for Japan after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake   Earthquake probability mapping and hazard mitigation program in Taiwan
Hiroyuki Fujiwara,
Ken Xiansheng Hao (NIED)
Hiroyuki Fujiwara (NIED) Kuo-Liang Wen (NCU)
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Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in general issues   Strong motion observation networks in Japan   Seismic network and earthquake rapid report in Taiwan
Ken Xiansheng Hao (NIED) Shin Aoi (NIED) Peih-Lin Leu and Nai-Chi Hsiao (CWB)
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Compilation of Historical Earthquakes in Taiwan   Active faults and seismic source identification in Taiwan   Construction of the detail 3D velocity structure
Shih-Nan Cheng (CYU) Bruce H. Shyu (NTU) Hisanori Matuyama (OYO)
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Seismic profiles from TAIGER project   3D velocity model of Taiwan: achievements and challenges   Long-period ground motion simulation of great Nankai Trough, Japan, earthquakes
Chien-Ying Wang (NCU) Li Zhao (IES) Takahiro Maeda (NIED)
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Earthquake Early Warning in Japan   Developing of Earthquake Early Warning in Taiwan   GPS observation and modeling in Taiwan
Hiromitsu Nakamura (NIED) Yih-Min Wu (NTU) Ruey-Juin Rau (NCKU)
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Review the 1906 Meishan earthquake and active tectonics around the Chia-Yi area   Investigation of the site effect in the Chia-Yi area, southwestern Taiwan   Building up Finite-Fault models for ground motion prediction program of Taiwan: Problems and Challenges
Yuan-Hsi Lee (NCCU) Huey-Chu Huang (NCCU) Kuo-Fong Ma (NCU)
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June 5th, 2012

Ground Motion Prediction Equation (GMPE) for Taiwan   Earthquake Hazard Map of Taiwan   3D waveforms simulation for earthquakes and scenario events
Po-Shen Lin (SinoTech) Thomas Chin-Tung Cheng (Sino-Tech) Shiann-Jong Lee (IES)
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Scenario earthquake shaking maps in Japan   Synthesis of high-frequency ground motion for broad-band strong motion prediction in Kanto area   Synthesis of high-frequency ground motion using Empirical Green’s Functions
Nobuyuki Morikawa (NIED) Asako Iwaki (NIED) Yin-Tung Yen (SinoTech)
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Current Status and Future Vision of Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System        
Chin-Hsun Yeh and Gee-Yu Liu (NCREE)    
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